An Introduction is in order.
When I began this endeavor many years ago, I had never intended to bring anyone else into this world. A world of great uncertainty, where the fabric of this very existence appears translucent, in some places more than others. Despite my best efforts, which I assure you have been valiant, I have reached an impasse. My current situation in this investigation has become impossible to navigate on my own. Let me be clear though dear reader, I am looking for a specific type of person. Without wasting any more time, a few standard queries need to be resolved. Do electronic devices behave strangely around you? Perhaps the battery of the contraption dies rather quickly or the overall life of your device are shorter than others. Do you often experience static electricity, finding yourself zapped when touching something metal?
I served South Bay Investigations (SBI) for 30 years, leaving it all behind a few Julys ago. I won’t lie to you, I miss it. The life, the investigations, the weird diners I’ve had coffee and cherry pie in, all of it. You may think of me as the Archivist, and call me by the same name. I’ve investigated many, shall we say, odd events throughout my career. Once a staunch, loud mouth critic of anything supernatural or paranormal, whichever nomenclature you prefer, 30 years later and, I am now a believer that anything is possible. What do we really know about this reality we find ourselves in, beyond a shadow of a doubt? Think about your own experiences, you personally, how do you know what’s real, what isn’t? I imagine most people would share a reason, using one of our five senses to justify the reality they believe in. The problem is, our senses have weaknesses, limitations, and sometimes they just are down right wrong. Scientists estimate almost 90% of the universe is made up of something we can’t see with our eyes. We know something is there, but visually, we got nothing. If we can’t perceive 90% of our universe, how can we say without a doubt, beyond question what any of this is? We can’t. We take 90% of the universe, call it Black Matter and go on with our lives. Should we though?
This effort I’ve undertaken is one of great importance. I/we must find out what this all is. I’m after THE question, what is this thing we call life? The same questions mankind has been asking forever, what am I, where am I, what’s my purpose, ect, are still unanswered in totality today. The same questions asked forever and zero progress? Not exactly. Mankind has been telling us something, civilizations separated by space and time tell very similar stories. Stories of some beings other than humans interacting with mankind. Call them angels, djinn, demons, aliens, Nephilim, the Watchers, Anunnaki, Prometheus, the list goes on, my hypothesis is, they’re all the same being(s). For the last 40,000 years our ancestors have been talking about something interacting with us, historians write it off as mythology. Today, I propose to you old chap, that it happened. All of it. I intend to prove it.
–The Archivist
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